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Flow Party

Flow Party
Mar 2023
The Flow Party is a community established by Melissa Mendez, founder of Eurecah. Her journey of learning Webflow through uninspiring tutorials motivated her to create a space where designers and developers could receive support and mentorship as they navigate their learning process. Our challenge was to establish an engaging community that would connect with individuals hesitant to seek assistance, and alongside that, develop a brand that echoed the talent within the Webflow community.



We partnered with designers and developers from the community to create a striking brand and website. Some of the collaborators included Experience Designer Joseph Berry, Webflow Developer and Designer Diego Toda Oliveira, and Brand Designer Eric W. Odom.
The brand came to life by integrating 3D assets that symbolized inside jokes within the Flow Party community, lively animations mirroring the playful nature of community members, and a website narrating the community's origins and evolution.
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